Category: Events
Tickets on sale for Godspell, Nov 17-19!
Godspell, the iconic musical celebrating over 50 years on stages across the world, now comes to the Wayland High School Auditorium! Tickets are now on sale for the November 17-19 performances. The large cast of Wayland High School Theater Ensemble invite you to enjoy the music of Stephen Schwartz, known for other works from Wicked…
Save the Date: Sat, April 9th, 7:30 pm College A Cappella Concert
Wayland City Limits – April 4th @7:30pm – 11pm
Due to concern of COVID-19 and in top of mind for your health and safety, CAPA has made the decision to cancel this event. Stay tune for our events to come! Come dance to Wayland City Limits, catch up with friends, and support the Creative Arts Parents Association. Place – Sandy Burr Country Club Date-…
College A Cappella Concert – Sat Feb 1st 7:30pm @ WHS Main Stage
Chicago – Nov 21-23 7:30pm @WHS Auditorium
Wayland City Limits Sat, Nov 2nd 7:30-11pm @ Sandy Burr Country Club
Please join us for the 2nd annual CAPA Fundraiser at Sandy Burr CC on November 2, 2019 from 7:30-11 pm which is sure to be a BLAST! This year’s musical line-up will include the WHS Jazz Band, an amazing student band and Wayland City Limits will top it off! Cash bar and adults only please!
Save the date! Fine Arts Night on May 20th @ 6:30pm
CAPA Bottle & Can Drive – Saturday May 4th 10am-2pm @ Town Pool Parking Lot
WHS Orchestra Children Concert – Wed, April 24th
Save the Date! Spring College A Cappella Concert at Wayland High on Saturday, April 6
Three talented college a cappella groups are coming to the Wayland High School Theater to perform at the Spring College A Cappella Concert on Saturday, April 6, at 7:30 pm. Harvard University’ s Krokodiloes, Tufts’ Jackson Jills, and Northeastern’s Nor’easters will be joined by WHS’ own T-Tones, Muses and Madrigals for a night of great…