• Art Show and Chorus Winter Concert – Tuesday, January 9th 2024

    Art Show and Chorus Winter Concert – Tuesday, January 9th 2024

    Rescheduled from December 19th due to the power outage at the high school. The Art Show opens at 6:30, followed by the chorus concert at 7 pm in the Wayland High School Auditorium. The art show features show from Wayland High School Art students. The concert includes performances by the Wayland Middle School Select Chorus,…

  • WHSTE Cabaret – Friday, December 15th

    WHSTE Cabaret – Friday, December 15th

    On Friday, December 15, at 7pm, WHSTE will be hosting an evening of cabaret acts in the High School Auditorium. This event marks WHSTE’s fundraising efforts for the NYC Trip Scholarship/Financial Aid Fund. Throughout December, WHSTE is accepting donations! Visit https://whsarts.org/support to make a tax-deductible donation via the “Donate” Button (PayPal). In the “What’s it…

  • Orchestra Winter Concert – Tuesday, December 12th 2023

    Orchestra Winter Concert – Tuesday, December 12th 2023

    On Tuesday, December 12th at 7:00pm, the Wayland High School Orchestras will perform their Winter Concert in the WHS Auditorium. Admission is free and the public is invited! Come listen to wintry magical works by Newbold, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Shostakovich, Reinicke, Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, and the grand finale of Winter Wonderland performed by the WHS String Orchestra,…

  • Wayland Holiday Marketplace – Saturday, December 9th

    Wayland Holiday Marketplace – Saturday, December 9th

    Visit the CAPA table at the Wayland Holiday Marketplace on Saturday, December 9th. From 10am-3pm, we will be on the upper level of The Barn at Lee’s Farm in Wayland. Our fundraising gifts, including a CAPA magnet and a notecard set with artwork by WHS students, will be available for sale. All proceeds go directly…

  • WHS Band and Jazz Concert – Thursday, November 30th

    WHS Band and Jazz Concert – Thursday, November 30th

    Come to Wayland High School’s main stage and support our student musicians as they ease us into the winter holiday season. November 30th at 7:30 in the WHS Main Stage. The concert will feature Honors Jazz Ensemble, Concert Band, and Honors Wind Ensemble.

  • A Cappella Concert – Monday, November 20th

    A Cappella Concert – Monday, November 20th

    You are cordially invited to the annual fall A Cappella Concert at 7pm on November 20th, 2023! Come listen to WHS’ three a cappella groups–the T-Tones, Madrigals, and Muses. Tickets are sold at the door – $5 for students and $10 for adults. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Lauren Dunne Astley Memorial…

  • SpongeBob the Musical – November 16th-18th

    SpongeBob the Musical – November 16th-18th

    Wayland High School Theater Ensemble presents SpongeBob the Musical.  TICKETS are now on sale! Tickets are $18 for adults; $15 for students & senior citizens.

  • WHS Jazz at Russell’s – Wednesday, November 8th

    WHS Jazz at Russell’s – Wednesday, November 8th

    It’s Ladies’ Night Out at Russell’s on Wednesday, November 8th! The WHS Jazz Ensemble rhythm section will be performing at 6:30pm. Local vendors, early holiday shopping selections, and much more will be available. Event hours are 4:00-8:00.

  • Trunk or Treat – Thursday October 26th

    Trunk or Treat – Thursday October 26th

    Celebrate Halloween with the Tri-M Music Honors students at Trunk or Treat on Thursday, October 26th! Family fun from 5:00-7:00pm in the WHS cafeteria. Join us for Trick or Treating and live music. $5 is the suggested donation.

  • Masquerade Concert – Wednesday October 25th

    Masquerade Concert – Wednesday October 25th

    Start your Halloween celebration with the Masquerade Concert on Wednesday! Join the WMS and WHS orchestras at 7:00pm in the WHS auditorium for seasonal spooky music along with exciting lighting effects. Tickets for the annual raffle drawing can be purchased with non-perishable food items or money! All cans and monetary proceeds collected will be donated…