Category: Uncategorized
Fine Arts Night Monday, May 21
Monday, May 21, 7:00pm WHS Commons Fine Arts Night is coming up soon! Fine Arts students and families are invited to join the Fine Arts faculty and CAPA for a fun-filled night to recognize and celebrate our most accomplished students. The awards ceremony will take place on the Main Stage starting at 7:00. A party…
Welcome back!
Fall is in the air and CAPA is ready to kick off a new year of fundraising and supporting the arts at Wayland high school. Won’t you join us? Come to our first meeting on September 20 at 8pm in the WHS Library. Meet the CAPA board and other members and find out how you…
CAPA votes in new board for 2016-2017
At our last meeting of the year on May 18, CAPA voted on new board members for the 2016-2017 school year. They are: President: Kathryn Welter Vice President/College A Cappella concert lead: Cindy Lewis Treasurer: Andrea Case Secretary: Kim Reichelt Member-at-Large/Webmaster: Kirsten Robinson Member-at-Large: Barb Renterghem Faculty Advisor: Susan Memoli Many thanks to our outgoing…
Last CAPA Meeting this Year is May 18
Wednesday, May 18, 8:00pm 5 Brook Trail Rd, Wayland Our next CAPA meeting and end-of-year social gathering will be Wednesday, May 18 at Kirsten Robinson’s house, 5 Brook Trail Road (off Woodridge). Come discuss: Fine Arts Night – awards and party, on Friday, June 3rd. Fine Arts jackets and bars will be presented. CAPA Board Members…
Help needed to set up for Pops Concert, Weds April 6
Hello parents and friends of Orchestra and Chorus! Susan Memoli has requested help with setup: “If you are able to help set-up for community service, demerit reduction or just good kid award, we’ll get started around 6:45pm since we need to move everything to the Commons.” Contact Ms. Memoli if you are able to help…
Bottle and Can Drive is Saturday, May 7 – Volunteers Needed!
Saturday, May 7, 10AM – 2PM Wayland High School It’s almost time to donate your refundable bottles and cans… Please start saving them if you haven’t already. The CAPA Bottle and Can Drive is coming! The Bottle and Can Drive is a significant fund-raiser for the Wayland High School visual and performing arts programs and CAPA needs…
Bottle & Can Drive, May 9
Saturday, May 9, 10am – 2pm WHS parking lot CAPA will be running its next fundraiser, the bottle and can drive, at the high school on May 9 from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Save your bottles and cans! Students, please consider volunteering to help out — community service credit is available. All proceeds benefit the arts…
Fine Arts Jackets 2015
Forms due Monday, March 16 Fittings on Friday, March 20 in WHS Commons The Wayland High School Creative Arts Parent Association (CAPA) generously provides funding for Fine Arts Jackets for students who have demonstrated exceptional achievement and dedication in the arts. Get the Fine Arts Jacket form here. Click, print, add up your points! 300…
February music events
String Jam, Wednesday, February 11 7:30pm, WHS Field House Join all of the string ensembles from Wayland High School, Middle School, Claypit Hill School, Happy Hollow School, and Loker School for the spring String Jam in the Wayland High Field House. Band Fest, Thursday, February 12 7:30pm, WHS Field House Join bands from Wayland High…
Photos from winter orchestra concert
The Wayland Middle and High School Orchestras performed their Winter Concert December 9, 2014 to a packed house. Selections ranged from Tum Balalaika to Smetana’s Dance of the Comedians, Greensleeves Fantasy, Corelli’s Concerto Grosso Op. 6 No. 8, ending with the Polar Express performed by the WHS Full Symphony. Here are some photos, courtesy of…